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Policy, Terms, & Conditions

The following Policy, Terms, and Conditions shall apply for Guests of all Properties


All guests and guest accommodations are, in addition to these herein, subject to a hotel’s more specific terms and conditions of guest use and / or those imposed by any third-party travel agency through which the guest made the reservation. Guest and hotel shall be subject to these Terms and Conditions which also constitute the Hotel-Guest Accommodation Contract. Any particulars not provided herein shall be governed by laws and regulations and/or generally accepted practices, if not specified more specifically by the respective hotel or travel agency, as described above.
The Hotel has entered into a special contract with the Guest insofar as such special contract does not violate laws and regulations and generally accepted practices the special contract shall take precedence over the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, notwithstanding the preceding Paragraph and the provisions where such were not modified or otherwise superseded shall apply.
The term “Guest” shall have the significance of referring also to and including any minor children of the guest, significant others, marriage partners, pets, and any other invitees, whether business or personal, visitors, or guests invited by the Guest.

The guest agrees as a term of use that the premises, both room and grounds, the object of the present hotel accommodation, are only allowed for him to use temporarily as paid for per the hotel offering. The following has been agreed by the mandatory, allowed use to the guest, who accepts the premises for whatever and any duration agreed with the hotel as described in the booking and hereafter.

The reservation confers the selected ad on the Web site or as offered otherwise by the hotel on paper or a digital format to the guest.

The present rental is granted and accepted for the period starting on the dates mentioned on the reservation of the website and voucher. 

  • CHECK-IN 3 PM: If you would like an earlier check-in time, we hope it is possible for us to accommodate you. Please ask in advance the day before so we can examine the current guest departure times (if specified). Unfortunately, we cannot grant all the earlier check-in requests.

    • Identification: Upon arrival, the guest must prove his identity and pay any security deposit, if required based on posted policy or managerial discretion. Should it be impossible to prove its identity and to transmit the security deposit on the day of arrival, the reservation can be canceled as of right without any refund.

    • No Show Policy: If the guest fails to give notice of late arrival and has not with in the day of the scheduled date of arrival, the hotel is fully entitled to attempt to re-let the accommodation while reserving the right to claim against the guest.

    • Right to Refuse Service: If hotel believes a guest is likely to break the law or cause a disturbance of the peace, or is otherwise disorderly, the hotel reserves the right to refuse service without issuing a refund. Guests in this case shall lose their reservation as if it were a No Show due to their failure to behave with good conduct.

  • CHECK-OUT 11 AM: If you would like a later check-out time, please ask in advance the day before so we can examine future guest arrival times (if specified). Unfortunately, we cannot grant all late checkout requests. Any hold over may interfere with an arriving guest and cause you to be responsible for the cost of another night if that arriving guest refuses to accept any delays checking in

  • CHECK-OUT PROCESS: To checkout, if our main office is not open, simply leave the key in the room or lockbox (if one is designated for this purpose) and then contact us to confirm / document your departure and to relate any known issues in the room.

The present hotel accommodation is granted and accepted in return for a price mentioned on the reservation of the website which period is mentioned in the paragraph 3.TERM.

In order to proceed to the booking of the accommodation, the tenant accepts the reservation by finalizing on the website, he pays the site fees and pay the reservation directly. The guest agrees with this contract to stipulate the information to be debited from credit card in case of any damage which might be caused, or smoking inside, as well as various charges and consumption upon the invoice sent to the guest by the hotel. No amount will be debited in case of no damages occurred or/and costs not paid. Credit or debit card is given only as a warranty but with express right for hotel to charge it for any outstanding amounts due at the time such is discovered, whether immediately or some time after checkout. Guest agrees that the credit card on file may be stored until and when guest demands its billing capacity be removed. 

This use of room is concluded intuitu personae for the benefit of the only guest identified at the beginning of the contract. Any assignment of this use, any attempt to or actual lease or sub-lease total or partial, any provision even free, are strictly prohibited. The Guest can not leave the arrangement of the premises, even free of charge and / or by loan, to a person outside his home. (Except if the rental is carried out in the professional context, the guest will be able to make available the room for its employees or partners)

The furniture and moveable property will be the subject of an inventory when the guest enters and leaves. However, due to a large number of arrivals and departures at the same time, it is possible that the hotel is unable to take the inventory of fixtures in presence of the guest, who agrees that this inventory of fixtures will be opposable to him. The furniture and moveable property must only suffer from wear and tear arising from the normal use to which they are destined. Any which are missing or out of use when the present rental expires, will be paid or replaced by the guest. The same applies to the paintings, wallpaper, kitchenware, curtains, etc. The complete cleaning of the premises, and if needed, the cleaning of carpets, bedding, blankets, mattresses, etc, will be at the guest's expense, over and above the rent. An inventory will be given to the guest the day of the arrival. At the check-out, the cleaner will check everything in the room, and the hotel will have 30 days after guest's departure from the room to let the guest know if something’s wrong with the room.

Acceptance by signature, digital acknowledgement or acknowledgement or action commits the parties irrevocably. Hotel maintains a strict No Refunds policy. Hotel may, but is not required to, at its discretion decide to offer the guest a credit for future like-kind accommodation, depending on the nature of the cancellation as substantiated by the guest. Such consideration for a future-use credit must be requested by the guest. Guest has no guarantee of such future-use credit acceptance or offering or of the specifics of how and when any credit is redeemable. Lack of good conduct by the guest shall result in an immediate cancellation, for which there is No Refund to the guest. 

The guest’s personal effects are not covered for theft, fire, loss or deterioration. It is up to him to take out any insurance policy that he considers useful to cover his personal possessions, as well as civil liability. Hotel is not obligated to offer the guest any such insurance coverage or recommendation. In no event will the guest hold the hotel responsible in case of theft, vandalism, or destruction committed in or on the premises or property grounds.

  • The guest promises to take out a form of traveler's or other adequate insurance against guest-caused risks (e.g., fire, water damage, or other destruction or negligence-caused damage.); and, hotel has no obligation to offer or verify such insurance. The absence of insurance coverage in the event of an incident should give rise to guest owing payment for damages and interest for sums not paid promptly, whereby guest authorized company to charge whichever debit or credit card was provided for the stay.

  • The Hotel shall not be liable for the custody of the vehicle of the Guest when the Guest utilizes the parking lot of the Hotel, as the Hotel only provides the space for parking and cannot be held responsible for management of the vehicle, whether the key of the vehicle has been deposited to the Hotel or not.

  • The liability of the Hotel regarding accommodation shall start as soon as the Guest enters the accommodation after having permission from the premise or remote / virtual front desk and end as soon as the Guest checks out of the room.

  • Guest agrees to use the premise, which includes the room and also the outside grounds, with great care and diligence and to manage all persons, adult or child, within his or her party. The property premise is a natural landscape that includes ravines, cliffs, muds, quicksand, wild animals, waterbodies, rivers and streams with currents, and other hazards. The property premise consists of dozens of acres, all of which are not maintained or marked for safety of use but are instead natural elements of nature and change accordingly over natural time and with the change of seasons. 

  • Any and all Guests agree to enter, navigate, explore or in any other manner traverse property lands and water bodies at his or her own risk and with full liability for any minor children, pets, visitors, or guests of guest. Guest hereby acknowledges such hazards and agrees to indemnify and hold the hotel, its employees, contractors, managers and / or owners and officers harmless for any personal injury, loss of life, or destruction of property that might occur on or in conjunction with the premise and its natural elements. 

  • You are liable and charged with exercising your own due diligence and caution over and for any guests, invitees, family members and children staying or visiting with you.

  • LIABILITY FOR SELF, FAMILY, & GUESTS: As stated above, you are liable for the protection, safety, and safekeeping of any guests, invitees, family members and children staying or visiting with you.

To ensure that this Hotel has publicness (is accepted by public) and provides a safe and comfortable stay to guests, the following rules need to be followed: Not abiding by these rules may lead to cancellation of stay and/or refusal to use the hotel facilities. 

We have 24/7 live-feed video surveillance with retrievable cloud storage.

  • NO INDOOR SMOKING / $500.00 FINE. Per state law, smoking in your hotel room is illegal. Smoke outside away from buildings and dispose of the butts. Remedying indoor smoking so guests from all walks of life can enjoy our rooms, entails cleaning and re-painting and steam cleaning / replacing all fabrics in the room. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the room and prohibited by state law. 

  • Drugs and alcohol: Consumption of alcohol or tobacco under the age of 21 is prohibited along with the possession, use, and distribution of any illegal substance.

  • Right to peace, quiet, and enjoyment: Everyone likes to party, but here at the resort, unless there’s a special event in our lodge hall, please keep it quiet after 10 PM until 8 AM so everyone can have a restful night. Guest agrees not to cause or allow any noise or activity on the premises which might disturb the peace and quiet of another guest and/or neighbor, especially after 10PM. Do not scream, sing loudly, or create loud noises by any other actions inside the Hotel or guest rooms, as it may disturb or annoy other guests staying in the Hotel. Said noise and/or activity should be a breach of this agreement and result in cancellation of use with no refund entitlement. Note that we may refuse stay to persons suffering from an illness that may cause discomfort or disruption of any kind to the other guests inside the Hotel.

  • Pets: Do not allow pets to potty in walkways, lead them into the brush, where guests are not likely to walk or bike or travel, etc. If a pet has an indoor accident, contact us immediately to request cleaning products so you can clean it up, pronto.

  • Good conduct requirement: The guest should be under an obligation to personally occupy the premises and to use in “a respectable manner” and to take due care of them. Guest must not be unruly, belligerent, or in any other way disturbing the peace. The guest should be under an obligation to ensure that no disturbance to neighbors arises through the actions or presence of the guest or members of his or her family, guests or visitors. Hotel reserves the right to cancel a guest reservation at any time and expel the guest due to failure of guest, or any person in his or her party or invited by such, to maintain good conduct. 

  • Internet and Wi-Fi: Illegal online activities by a guest are prohibited. Guest shall bear full responsibility, both civilly and criminally, for any such violations and consequences and damages caused by use of internet. 

  • Damage liability: If you happen to damage any equipment or fixtures inside the hotel premises, the Hotel reserves a right to charge you the full cost of the same. Any damage begat payment: You will be charged for any and all damage caused to the room / property during your stay. We have 24/7 live-feed video surveillance with retrievable cloud storage.

    • All fixtures and fittings are in good working order and no complaint regarding them made after the check-in occupying the premises will be accepted. The guest will be responsible for repairs made necessary by negligence, misuse or poor care during the tenancy by guest or his guests or visitors.

    • The property is let fully furnished with cooking equipment, crockery, cutlery, glassware and pillows, as listed in the enclosed inventory. If appropriate, the guest or his or her representative should be entitled to claim from the guest on departure the full replacement cost of broken, cracked, chipped or damaged items, furniture and equipment and any such items showing abnormal wear and tear for the length of the tenancy, the cost of cleaning soiled blankets and covers, compensation for damage of any kind to curtains, wall coverings, ceilings, rugs, mats, carpets, windows, bedding, etc.

  • Right to inspection: The guest may not object to an inspection of the premises by the hotel or his or her authorized representative when requested.

  • Guest cleaning requirement: Guest must keep the room in sanitary, acceptable condition and not abuse it. For the exit cleaning, the guest must ensure the kitchen (if applicable) and the bathroom is in a form of decent cleanliness and trash disposed.

  • Hotel cleaning policy: In principle, the guest rooms accommodating the same guests continuously for two or more nights shall not be cleaned during their period of stay. Such rooms, however, hotel reserves the right to inspect and clean once every 4 or more days to maintain cleanliness. Further, if cleaning of one or more of the guest rooms is deemed necessary by the hotel authorities, the guests occupying the room(s) shall not have a right to deny such room cleaning.

  • Maintenance: Maintenance is a routine part of upkeep and can be unpredictable. The guest is not entitled to any compensation or credit following a malfunction of a room feature, facility, or due to work in public areas of the building.

  • Media, photography, and videography: Any acts of personal-use photography or videography that may bother the other guests in the Hotel are strictly prohibited inside the Hotel or guest rooms. Photograph or videography of a commercial nature or if not commercial but intended for broad dissemination via web or social media is strictly prohibited. Such media shall immediately become property of the hotel, who shall have the right to use it commercially or have it destroyed. 

  • Meetings: Any personal meetings should be held according to hotel-designated spaces. Seek approval in advance.

  • Room use and rules: The guest should use the property for residential purposes only. Events or parties are prohibited without any authorization wrote and some extra charges will apply. It shall respect the maximum number of persons who may enter the premises in accordance with the description given to it.

  • Do not use the guest rooms for purposes other than intended without authorization.

  • Do not light fire in the passage or guest rooms for heating or cooking.

  • To prevent fire, refrain from smoking on bed, in non-smoking rooms, and in any other places prone to catch fire.

  • The equipment and articles in guest rooms are strictly meant for the guests staying in the Hotel. Hence, inside the guest rooms, use of such equipment and articles by outsiders is prohibited.

  • Be careful not to move the articles in the Hotel or guest rooms from their fixed places without permission. 

  • Do not change the position of the gadgets and fixtures in the Hotel or guest rooms without permission. Attempts at rearranging could cause injury.

  • Do not use kitchenware you are unfamiliar with and inspect your areas to keep dangerous items out of the reach of children.

  • Do not bring the following inside the hotel premises:

    • Animals, birds, reptiles, inspects, etc.

    • Things giving off foul smell

    • Articles exceeding the normal amount that can be carried into a hotel.

    • Guns, swords, etc. (if permitted must be disassembled and cased without ability for immediate discharge or use)

    • Explosives, or articles containing volatile oils that may ignite or catch fire.

    • Any other articles that may pose a threat to the safety of other guests staying in the Hotel.

  • Refrain from engaging into gambling or acts that violate public order and morals inside the Hotel or guest rooms.

  • Do not distribute advertisement goods or sell articles to the other guests or collect donation or signatures from them inside the Hotel premises, without proper permission.

  • Do not leave your personal belongings in the passages or the lobby or lounge or other common use areas.

The Hotel may refuse to conclude an Accommodation Contract under any of the following circumstances if:

  • The application for accommodation does not conform with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions;

  • All the guest rooms in the Hotel are booked;

  • The person seeking Hotel accommodation is likely to violate laws and ordinances or act against the public order or good morals regarding his/her accommodation;

  • The person seeking Hotel accommodation belongs to or is related to an organized crime group or is a recognized criminal or related party of an organized crime group (hereinafter 'crime groups' and 'gangster'), according to the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Enforced on March 1, 1992), or is an antisocial element;

  • The person seeking Hotel accommodation is a member of a corporation or other group managed or administered by a gang or gang members or reasonably suspected of such;

  • The person seeking Hotel accommodation is a member of a corporation, whose employees include one or more gang members

  • The person seeking Hotel accommodation performs any act that causes significant disturbance to other guests;

  • The person seeking Hotel accommodation engages into coercive acts such as violence with the Hotel staff, threatening or blackmailing the Hotel staff, or makes an unreasonable demand, or is known to have a past record of similar act(s);

  • The person seeking Hotel accommodation can be reasonably identified as carrying an infectious disease or similar hazard;

  • The Hotel is unable to provide accommodation due to natural calamities, malfunction of facilities and/or other unavoidable causes;

  • The person seeking Hotel accommodation reasonably appears to be  intoxicated or under the influence of behavior impairing drugs and is could thereby cause annoyance to other guests;

  • The person seeking Hotel accommodation applies for a room with a hidden intent of raising profit for himself or releasing the room to a third party or may be engaging into acts such as selling articles anywhere inside the hotel premises or in the Hotel guest room booked by him;

  • The person seeking Hotel accommodation fails to abide by the provisions made under these Terms & Conditions or the provisions regarding payment and/or room cancellation clarified at the time of booking or refused to provide requested identifications.

When Unable to provide a reserved room(s) to the Guest, the Hotel shall make its best effort to accommodate the guest as far as possible elsewhere and for reasonable pricing, with the consent of the Guest. Such accommodation may include a fold out bed in a common area, for example, if that sort of refuge were deemed safer than if the guest were otherwise forced to sleep in a vehicle in a time of dangerous weather or other perils due to there being no other available lodging.

Accommodation charges shall be paid even if the Guest voluntarily does not utilize the accommodation facilities provided to him/her by the Hotel. Fees, taxes, and other incidentals shall be paid by the Guest at the time of the reservation or within a reasonable time period afterwards. 

In the event of a breach by the Guest of one of these contractual obligations, the present use accommodation will be terminated automatically and take effect immediately. Notice of such termination may be delivery by hotel to guest in any form or manner reasonable.

For the execution hereof, the hotel and the guest, in case of dispute, agree to mediate and arbitrate, and waive all right to a jury trial. Furthermore, that the home court of the hotel corporation, a Florida Corporation, should have sole jurisdiction for such matters. This agreement and its aftermath are otherwise subject to state law.

  • High-speed WI-FI internet

  • Always kid and pet friendly

  • Friendly service, always!

  • No indoor smoking

  • Cozy rooms for everyone

  • Online reservations and service

  • Shampoo / conditioner / soap

  • Tea & coffee making

  • Located in friendly places with plenty of comforts

  • Room for trucks and trailers

  • Crib and cots available

  • Laundry service available

  • Excellent locations close to incredible natural highlights

  • 24-hour staff support 

  • Your peace of mind comes first


© by Love Hotels Inc., a

Florida Corporation


904-299-9040 CALL or TEXT 24/7

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